Programs & Packages

  • One to One Consultation, Coaching and Counseling
  • Soul Portfolio™ Healing Sessions
  • Big Life Vision Board classes Heartistry™
  • Art Journeys Heart Visioning™
  • Breathwork, Pathfinder and Journeying Sessions
  • Sacred Ink™ Intuitive Journaling Coaching
  • Inner Path Women's Mysteries Mentoring & Circles®
  • Soulcollage® Oracle Card Creation for Individual and Groups
  • Guided Soul Art Journeys for Individual and Group

Throughout our work together you'll find inspirations to not only reveal your personal myths and symbols but to help you utilize them in meaningful ways. This is a collaborative process and you'll be encouraged to explore the landscape of your heart, share your story, follow your spiraling Path of Inner Knowing and celebrate the Creative Impulse as it flows freely in your life.

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Classes are currently underway. Please join my newsletter so you can be notified when the course opens again.

Receive your free Heartistry Studio Love Transmission Coloring Book when you join my newsletter! The Love Transmission Coloring Book contains 12 sacred geometry designs transmitted from the Akashic realm to help you connect with the heart of your creative magick.